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The full story
About IWN

Welcome to Inspiring Women Network (IWN)! At IWN, we are driven by a passion for empowering women and creating positive change within our community. Our journey began with a group of local women who recognised the challenges faced by women in Cornwall and decided to take action. Over the years, our organisation has grown and evolved, but our core mission remains the same - to support, uplift, and celebrate women in all aspects of their lives.



Our mission is to connect, inspire, and empower women to thrive and fulfil their unique potential by cultivating a vibrant, affirming, and inclusive community. 


IWN is dedicated to providing a supportive and nurturing environment for women of all backgrounds. We offer a wide range of programmes, workshops, and events designed to foster personal growth, professional development, and community engagement. Our initiatives are rooted in the principles of inclusivity, diversity, and intersectionality, ensuring that all women feel seen, heard, and empowered.


Our vision is for a world that is just, equitable, and inclusive for all women and their families.


Our vision is a society where women are truly empowered, where gender equality is a reality, and where every woman's voice is heard and valued. We strive for a world where women can thrive, lead, and achieve their full potential without limitations or barriers.


IWN's Values

Inspiring Women Network workshop support IWN's value

Our Values: At IWN, we uphold a set of values that guide everything we do:


Empowerment: We believe in empowering women to recognise their strengths, overcome challenges, and lead with confidence and purpose.


Inclusivity: We embrace diversity and strive to create an inclusive space where women from all walks of life feel welcome and valued.


Connection: We understand the power of community and the strength that comes from supporting and uplifting one another.


Advocacy: We advocate for gender equality and social justice, promoting awareness and understanding of women's issues within our community and beyond.


Resilience: We are resilient in the face of challenges, adapting and evolving to meet the changing needs of our members and community.


Authenticity: We work and lead in a way that allows us to be true to ourselves, and we embrace women as they are.

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